normalized- When a classroom of children are all self motivated, on task and working as they would if there were no outside influences to distract them.
Sensitive Period - A special time in a child's life when he easily learns a particular skill if he is allowed to practice it exhaustively during this time. She referred to it as, ". . . a passing impulse or potency." Her theory of sensitive periods is now confirmed by scientists and even the popular culture, with Time magazine calling it "Windows of Opportunity
Fantasy- This is one of the most misunderstood terms there is. In today's society we us the word "fantasy" almost as a synonym for the word "imagination" and so when Montessorians refer to fantasy as a problem, we naturally have problems with the concept. But we feel that a better definition for the word would be "day dreaming" or "not focusing".
Observation- Montessorians watch their students and say to themselves, "What does she know?" "What is she having problems with?" "What is the next logical step that I need to set up to help this student master this concept?" They do not say, "It is October 4th. It is third grade, so I will teach this."
Individual Liberty-Chidren have the ability to move around and make choices about which materials they will use, where they will use the material and when they will do a job. Individual Liberty is not to be confused with "license" which is the ability to behave anyway they please or to choose to not work.
Preparation of the Environment- A classroom that has all the materials for every lesson that a child in that classroom will need for that day. The lessons, (Which are often called jobs or works because we teach our students that everybody has a job, and at this moment in their lives their most important job is to learn.), with all the materials that they will need for that lesson are neatly organized in a box, basket or tray and placed so that the children can easily access and work with them.